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HP Spectre x360 Review

Building a great, premium laptop is surprisingly hard. Despite the fact that every company, from Apple to Dell to Lenovo and everyone in between, pulls from the same basic parts bin — Intel processors; high-quality IPS displays; aluminum chassis; large, glass trackpads; USB Type-C ports with Thunderbolt 3 — putting all of those parts together […]

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Some cool ways to reuse an old laptop

Breathe new life into your dusty relic of a portable PC. Everything old is new again. Let’s focus on that laptop you’ve kept in the back of your closet these many years. Even if it’s a slow, virus-infested mess, you might be surprised at how much more life you can squeeze out of it. You […]

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Snapchat's new feature takes Bitmoji to the next level

Snapchat’s latest Bitmoji update is about much more than dancing animations. Snapchat is updating its Bitmoji-enabled “World Lenses,” the feature that lets you overlay your Bitmoji characters onto your surroundings, to make the animations look more realistic. Bitmoji, Snapchat users’ emoji-like alter-egos, have appeared in Snapchat’s “World Lenses” since the feature launched last year, but […]

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