Telegram has been busy this year rolling out improvements to its messaging platform. Now, its latest update will allow an unlimited amount of participants in a group video call.
The major update comes bundled in with the latest version of Telegram, which sees the uncapped feature also applied to live streams on the app, amongst other new additions to the encrypted messenger like so-called “flexible forwarding”.
Telegram is one of the 8 best WhatsApp alternatives available, and version 8 of messaging platform solidifies its position amongst the best by removing the original live stream audience limit of 1,000 viewers for groups and channels.
Notable, too, is the inclusion of more customization options when forwarding messages, which now lets you choose whether to display or conceal the caption and sender before you hit “forward.” Likewise, the preview window now lets you change the recipient in case you mistakenly tap the wrong chat, benefitting users who enjoy more tinkering abilities in-app before shooting off a message.
The changes should bring greater agency to the platform’s live broadcasting functionality. In its official blog post, Telegram said that users now have the “power to run your own TV station, right in your pocket,” hinting at how Telegram sees the platform’s future.
If you’re a fan of in-app stickers, you’ll also be pleased to know that the new update makes them easier to use, with trending stickers now located above the “Recently Used” sticker panel, along with an unread message counter in your comment threads. So, lots of new Telegram features to sink your teeth into, and best explored from one of our picks of the best Android phones or best iPhone handsets.